Faculty of Pre-Medical Sciences

Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Science
Faculty of Medical Radiation Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy, Nutrition and Dietetics


The Faculty of Pre-Medical Sciences at Lusaka Apex Medical University (LAMU) is a distinguished academic unit dedicated to providing high-quality education and training to aspiring healthcare professionals. With a commitment to excellence, the faculty prepares students for a successful transition into medical and healthcare programs, equipping them with a strong foundation in the basic sciences and essential skills required for future medical practice. Through a rigorous curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and state-of-the-art facilities, the faculty strives to produce competent and compassionate individuals who will contribute to the improvement of healthcare standards in Zambia and beyond.

Pre-Medical Sciences Program:

Duration: One year
Overview: This program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the basic sciences including biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and laboratory techniques, preparing students for further studies in medical and healthcare programs.

The Faculty of Pre-Medical Sciences at Lusaka Apex Medical University is committed to providing a strong academic foundation and essential skills to students aspiring to pursue careers in medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. Through its comprehensive programs, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, the faculty aims to produce competent and compassionate healthcare professionals who will contribute to the advancement of medical science and the improvement of healthcare in Zambia and beyond.





Dr. Emmanuel Chirwa

Dean’s Message

As the Dean of the faculty, it is my privilege to lead a community of passionate individuals dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the development of future healthcare professionals.

The Faculty of Pre-Medical Sciences plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for your journey into the field of medicine, nursing, or pharmacy. We are committed to providing you with a comprehensive education that not only encompasses the fundamental sciences but also nurtures essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.

Our experienced faculty members are dedicated educators, and mentors who are invested in your success. They will guide you through a well-structured curriculum, engaging you in interactive lectures, laboratory sessions, and practical training. Our aim is to equip you with a strong scientific background, instill in you a deep understanding of healthcare principles, and prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead.

At Lusaka Apex Medical University, we believe in fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. We encourage collaboration, respect for diverse perspectives, and the exchange of ideas. Through teamwork and shared experiences, you will not only develop academic competence but also build lifelong friendships and professional networks.

We also emphasize the importance of research and innovation. As future healthcare professionals, it is essential that you stay abreast of the latest advancements in your field. Our faculty provides opportunities for research engagement, encouraging you to explore new frontiers, contribute to scientific knowledge, and make a positive impact on healthcare practices.

While your academic pursuits are of utmost importance, we also recognize the significance of your holistic development. We encourage you to engage in extracurricular activities, participate in community service initiatives, and nurture your physical and mental well-being. Strive for balance in all aspects of your life, as it will contribute to your overall success and fulfillment.

Dr. Emmanuel Chirwa
